Key Information Document 

This document sets out key information about your relationship with us, including details about pay, holiday entitlement and other benefits. Further information can be found by contacting Jackie Wilsher Staff Service on 01525 852225. 
The Employment Agency Standards (EAS) Inspectorate is the government authority responsible for the enforcement of certain agency worker rights. You can raise a concern with them directly on 020 7215 5000 or through the Acas helpline on 0300 123 1100, Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm. 


Name of employment business: 
Jackie Wilsher Staff Service and Queensway Personnel Service Ltd 
Type of contract you will be engaged under: 
‘Contract for Service’ 
Who will be responsible for paying you (if different from your employer): 
Jackie Wilsher Staff Service and Queensway Personnel Service Ltd 
How often you will be paid: 
Weekly. Our working week for payment runs from a Saturday to Friday. 
Expected or minimum rate of pay: 
No less than the minimum wage. (Your actual rate of pay will be confirmed separately for each assignment you 
Deductions from your pay required by law: 
Employee’s National insurance. 
Employee pension – auto enrolment (unless 
you decide to opt out of the pension) 
Any other deductions or costs from your pay (to include amounts or how they are calculated): 
If the Employment Business provides any Personal Protecঞve Equipment or clothing to the Agency Worker, they must return any such PPE or clothing to the Employment Business upon terminaঞon of the assignment. 
In the event that the PPE is not returned, the Employment Business reserves the right to deduct the cost of replacement equipment or clothing from the final salary and any sums owed to the Agency Worker. 
Any fees for goods or services: 
Holiday entitlement and pay: 
You will accrue holiday entitlement as per the statutory annual entitlement i.e., 28 days per annum which include all bank holidays. This will be calculated using a 52-week average. Bank holidays will automatically be paid unless your assignment requires you to work on that day. 
Our holiday year runs from 1st October to 30th September, any unused holiday cannot be carried forward into the following year. 
Additional benefits: 
Access to the collective facilities which may be available within the company you are temping. i.e., free tea and coffee. This will depend upon the facilities each client offers and will be confirmed for each assignment. 
EXAMPLE of how Pay is calculated (Please note this is only an example to illustrate what deductions are made. Your hourly rate may be different and will be confirmed on your ‘Confirmation of Assignment’) 
Example weekly rate of pay: 
£10.42 x 40 hours = £416.80 
Deductions from your wage required by law: 
Depending upon your tax code this could vary. This is an example only. 
Income Tax – £32.05 
National Insurance – £21.01 
Employee pension – £14.84 
Any other deductions or costs from your wage: 
Any fees for goods or services: 
Example net take home pay: 
This Form is to be completed by the Agency Worker 
**PLEASE NOTE** We do request that as the Agency Worker you sign and return your Key Information Document, however should this Key Information Document not be signed by the Agency Worker and returned to the Employment Business prior to the supply/introduction of an Agency Worker by the Employment Business, the Agency Worker is deemed to have accepted these terms by nature of under-taking the assignment. 
N.B: This Key Information Document can also be signed and returned to us. You can do this by the following options: 
1)Jackie Wilsher Staff Service, Clipper House, Billington Road, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire. LU7 4AJ 
2) A scanned copy with your hand written signature, returned by email to 
3) A copy of this document returned by email. Please copy and paste the following statement into 
the body of the email: 
“I understand it is my responsibility to read the terms and conditions of this ‘Key Information Documement’ 
which I have attached and I can confirm I accept and agree to these terms” 
Thank you.